¡Hola todos!
As my time in Argentina increases, I find my English deteriorating rapidly. I realize that I question how to say or write English words and will switch to Spanish if I can't think of the English word I want to say when with fellow API members. This is wonderful for my language skills! Luckily, I don't have to take any English courses when I return to the States!
On Monday I got my Argentina visa! Let the wild times commence!
Like usual, Tuesday evening was girl's night of wine and dessert with Sarah and Rebecca. The dessert was a vanilla/mint/dolce de leche ice-cream -- delicious!!

On Wednesday we finally found Sube cards, after standing in line for 1.5 hours at UPS. These are similar to debit cards but are only used on the underground and bus systems. The issue with these cards is that the Argentine government is slowing down the production of the cards so literally nowhere has them. The other issue is that the bus only accepts coins, and when there is a shortage of coins and Sube cards, public transportation is a hassle. It has been a nightmare, but life is finally easier!
On Thursday I saw my first Argentinian star sitting several tables away from us at a local Recoleta restaurant! Susana Giménez is an ex-model, television host (Wiki compared her to Oprah in the U.S.), and an actress. I was informed that she tends to get a little wild, I suppose that would explain why she walked into a gentleman's club after dinner.

On Friday we spent the day at an estancia (ranch). We arrived by private bus to a house in the middle of nowhere, where café and medialunas (a typical Argentine breakfast) awaited for us.
We then separated into groups of seven and took turns learning about the agriculture in the area as well as riding horses. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent lounging by the pool, eating entirely too much delicious food, and learning how to folk dance. We all thoroughly enjoyed the trip!!

That evening, Rebecca, Sarah, and I went to our usual wine bar with some local Argentine friends.

Next week is Semana Santa, which means no school! The girls and I spent Saturday afternoon at a nearby café to sort out a trip somewhere. We have decided to go to Mendoza! We will be traveling via an overnight bus with Jess, a girl from our group who is attending a different university as her classes are with Argentine students, and will spend 4 days in wine country. This is our first trip without API, so we're very excited!! Another piece of exciting news: my friend/co-worker, Laura, is coming to visit me in May! I can't wait to see her and show her around the beautiful city!
Saturday evening we did a fair amount of traveling throughout different neighbourhoods. We ended up having dinner in Puerto Madero (with a glass of free champagne: I could really get used to free drinks!) and then went back to Recoleta to meet up with friends.
Sunday was a typical homework day, so nothing to report there.
On Saturday we head to Iguazú for three days then I'm off to Mendoza until the following Monday. I may not have time to update between my trips, but I will definitely update once I return to Buenos Aires. ¡Hasta luego!